Sandy Robinson

Sandy Robinson joined Green Route and the dynamic team in 1993 as a temp and was there until the office relocated to Cape Town in June 2009.
During her time at Green Route Sandy was a stalwart – her command of the English language and attention to detail ensured that the proposals she put together were always first class. Not only in the creation of detailed itineraries and write-ups, but also costings and all the details, through to putting bookings in place.
Later Sandy joined TWIICE / The Explorer Club and worked there until recently. She also assisted at Sun Conference and Events with Glen Byrom, and was an FIT consultant with a local travel concern for a time.
Sandy is passionate about animals and assisted at Kamfinsa Veterinary Surgery for a year. Through various ventures (and adventures!) since leaving college, Sandy has found that tourism is her niche and is very happy to be part of the Victoria Falls DMC team.